What foods are safe for dogs and what foods aren’t?
Many dog parents love to share an enjoyable bit of food with their
four-legged friends. Although your dog may enjoy the bit of food, you
may stop and think “Is this bit of food safe for my dog?”
Although many foods are safe for dog and healthy, some foods can be
toxic and harmful to your furry friend.
Now you may be asking yourself “What foods can I feed my dog, and
what foods are toxic?”
Its very tough to distinguish which foods are good and which oppose a
threat to your dog.
That’s why we have prepared a list of foods with extensive research
that allow you to keep track of which foods are perfectly acceptable for
your dog to consume and which are harmful.
You may use the following list below as guide to keeping your dog safe
and happy.
What foods are harmful and toxic to my dog?
Cherries - very toxic when it comes to your dog, because cherry
pits, stems, and leaves contain cyanide. Cyanide is poisonous and
lethal when consumed in high quantities. Cherry pits may also be
come lodged cause intestinal blockage in your dog’s digestive track.
Avocados - contain a toxin known as Persin, which is a fungicidal
toxin that may cause serious health issues. Avocados may cause
diarrhea, vomiting, and myocardial damage. They are high in fat,
which can potentially lead to an upset stomach, gastrointestinal
problems, and pancreatitis.
Grapes and Raisins -extremely harmful to your four-legged
friend causing kidney failure. If your dog consumes even one grape
contact the pet poison hotline at (855) 764 – 7661.
Tomatoes -can cause gastrointestinal problems for your dog, they
may suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, confusion, and
irregular heat rates.
Onions and Garlic - are toxic to dogs in all forms whether
powder or juices. They contain a compound N-propyl disulfide, that
damages your dogs red blood cells and breaks them down and will
destroyed them. You may notice discoloring in your dog’s urine such
as red or brown, that indicate your dogs’ organs are no longer
getting enough oxygen. In server cases the result is organ failure and
Broccoli - Broccoli may be consumed in small amounts, but your
dog should never consume the stalk. Broccoli stock may become
lodged or caught in your dog’s throat. A chemical group known as
isothiocyanates are found in broccoli and may lead to
gastrointestinal irritation.
Spinach - may block your dog’s ability to absorb calcium and
contains oxalic Acid.
Chocolate -is toxic because it contains a chemical called
Theobromine, which may cause heart and nervous system failure.
Walnuts- Walnuts can be a choking hazard and may lead to life
threatening conditions called pancreatitis.
Turkey Skin -Turkey Skin is dangerous for dogs, it contains lots of
fat and seasoning. The fat content can cause pancreatitis, while
seasonings can irritate the stomach.
Chewing Gum & Xylitol
High Sodium Foods
Cinnamon – Cinnamon may irritate the inside or dog’s mouth.
Cooked Bones – Bones Spilt into shards that can cause choking
and serious damage to dogs’ mouth, throat, and intestines.
Spicy Foods – Painful for dogs’ stomach causing vomiting,
diarrhea, and stomach ulcers.
Yeast & Raw Dough – May expand dogs stomach causing
server pain and life-threatening torsion or rupture of stomach.
Foods that may be enjoyed in moderation.
Bananas – Bananas are full of lots of vitamins and fiber but
should be feed in moderation due to high amounts of sugar.
Apples – Remove seeds and core before feeding to dogs.
Seedless watermelon
Carrots – Try Frozen
Sweet Potatoes – Sweet potatoes should be cooked and skin
removed before feeding to dogs.
Green Beans
Green Peas
Corn – Corn should be feed in small amounts and off the cob.
Rice – White rice is great to feed to a dog with an upset stomach.
Bread – Plain bread is small amounts is safe for dogs.
Honey – Honey is safe for dogs in small amounts.
Popcorn – Plain air popped popcorn is safe in small amounts.
Peanut butter – Choose a peanut butter that does not contain
xylitol or added sugar.
Brussel Sprouts – Brussel sprouts are safe for dogs but may
make your dog a little gassy.
Turkey – No skin
Pork – Plain Pork with no added seasonings.
Lean beef – Cooked plain unseasoned lean beef is safe for dogs.
Fish - Salmon and Sardines are especially good for dogs.
Cheese – Cheese like cottage cheese and hard chesses are safe for
Cucumbers – Cucumber skin may be difficult to chew and digest,
removing the skin is a good idea.
Mangos – Mangos are full of vitamins and safe to consume if they
are peeled, and pits are removed.
Oranges – Oranges should be feed in small amounts, because
they are high in sugar and can sauce diarrhea.
Peaches – Peaches are a great source of vitamin A and fiber.
Peaches should be feed in small cut up pieces and in moderation,
too many can cause upset stomach.
Pears – Pears are full of vitamin C, vitamin A and fiber. Only feed
in moderation, pears may upset stomach in large amounts.
Pineapple – Pineapple raw in small amounts is a perfect snack for
your dog.
Cashews – Cashews are safe for dogs in very low qualities only 3 –
4 at a time.
Radishes – Radishes are a perfect snack for dog full of nutrients
and antioxidants.
Lettuce – Lettuce is a great snack for dogs especially dogs’
Olives – Plain pitted olives are best, canned and pickled olives
contain a large amount of sodium.
Pickles – Very low amount, pickles contain lots of sodium.
Banana Peppers – Banana peppers contain vitamins and
minerals perfect for dogs help and safe to feed in moderation.
If your dog consumes any foods that cause them to have
any of the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea,
reduced appetite, lethargy, or dehydration contact the
Animal Poison Control Center (888) 462-4435.